CVP is a particularly important issue in Lattice-based cryptography.
The basic definition of the problem is as follows: Given a set of bases and vectors \mathbf{v} for L, find the nearest vector to \mathbf{v} on L.
Babai's nearest plane algorithm¶
The algorithm inputs a set of lattice L (rank is n) base B and a target vector \mathbf{t} to output an approximate solution to the CVP problem.
- The approximation factor is \gamma = 2^{\frac{n}{2}}
Specific algorithm:
- where c_j is the rounding of the coefficients in the Gram-schmidt orthogonalization, which is the rounding of proj_{b_{j}}(b).
For the personal understanding of the second step of the algorithm: find a linear combination closest to \mathbf{t} in the base B after the lattice basis and the orthogonalization.
Babai’s Rounding Technique¶
This algorithm is a variant of Babai's nearest plane algorithm
The steps can be expressed as:
N = rank(B), w = target
- B' = LLL(B)
- Find a linear combination [l_0, ... l_N] such that w = sum(l_i * b'_i).
* (b'_i is the i-th vector in the LLL-reduced basis B')
- Round each l_i to it's closest integer l'_i.
- Result v = sum(l'_i * b'_i)
related information¶
Hidden number problem¶
The definition of HNP is as follows:
Given the prime p, many t \in \mathbb{F}_p and each corresponding MSB_{l,p}(\alpha t), find the corresponding \alpha.
- MSB_{l,p}(x) means any integer $u that satisfies \lvert (x \mod p) - u \rvert \le \frac{p}{2^{l+1}} $, which is approximately l most significant digits of x \mod p.
According to the description in Reference 3, when l \approx \log^{\frac{1}{2}}{p}, the following algorithm can solve HNP:
We can turn this problem into a CVP problem on the lattice generated by the matrix:
\left[ \begin{matrix} p & 0 & \dots & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & p & \ddots & \vdots & \vdots \\ \vdots & \ddots & \ddots & 0 & \vdots \\ 0 & 0 & \dots & p & 0 \\ t_1 & t_2 & \dots & t_{n} & \frac{1}{2^{l+1}} \end{matrix} \right]
We need to find the nearest vector from \mathbf{u}=(u_1, u_2, \dots, u_{n}, 0) on the lattice, so here we can use Babai's nearest plane algorithm
. Finally we can get a set of vectors \mathbf{v}=(\alpha \cdot t_1 \mod p, \alpha \cdot t_2 \mod p, \dots, \frac{\alpha}{2^{l+1} }), which calculates \alpha.
BCTF 2018 - guess_number¶
The topic provides server-side code:
import random, sys
from flag import FLAG
import gmpy2
def msb(k, x, p):
delta = p >> (k + 1)
ui = random.randint (x-delta, x + delta)
return ui
def main():
p = gmpy2.next_prime(2**160)
for _ in range(5):
alpha = random.randint(1, p - 1)
# print(alpha)
t = []
u = []
k = 10
for i in range(22):
t.append(random.randint(1, p - 1))
u.append(msb(k, alpha * t[i] % p, p))
print (p (u))
guess = raw_input('Input your guess number: ')
guess = int(guess)
if guess != alpha:
if __name__ == "__main__":
As you can see, the program performs a total of 5 rounds. In each round, the program generates a random \alpha and 22 random t_i. For each t_i, the program will take u_i = MSB_{10,p}(\alpha\cdot{t_i\mod{p}}) and send it to the client. We need to calculate the corresponding \alpha based on the provided t_i and u_i. As you can see, the problem is a typical Hidden number problem, so you can use the above algorithm to solve:
import socket
import ast
import telnetlib
#HOST, PORT = 'localhost', 9999
HOST, PORT = '', 9999
s = socket.socket()
s.connect((HOST, PORT))
f = s.makefile('rw', 0)
def recv_until(f, delim='\n'):
buf = ''
while not buf.endswith(delim):
buf +=
return buf
p = 1461501637330902918203684832716283019655932542983
k = 10
def solve_hnp(t, u):
M = Matrix(RationalField(), 23, 23)
for i in xrange(22):
M[i, i] = p
M[22, i] = t[i]
M[22, 22] = 1 / (2 ** (k + 1))
def babai(A, w):
A = A.LLL(delta=0.75)
G = A.gram_schmidt()[0]
t = w
for i in reversed(range(A.nrows())):
c = ((t * G[i]) / (G[i] * G[i])).round()
t -= A[i] * c
return w - t
closest = babai(M, vector(u + [0]))
return (closest[-1] * (2 ** (k + 1))) % p
for i in xrange(5):
t = ast.literal_eval(f.readline().strip())
u = ast.literal_eval(f.readline().strip())
alpha = solve_hnp(t, u)
recv_until(f, 'number: ')
s.send(str(alpha) + '\n')
t = telnetlib.Telnet()
t.sock = s
Playing “Hide-and-Seek” in Finite Fields: Hidden Number Problem and Its Applications
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