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integer overflow


In C language, the basic data types of integers are divided into short (short), integer (int), and long (long). These three data types are also divided into signed and unsigned, each data type. They all have their own size ranges (because the size range of the data type is determined by the compiler, so the default is to use gcc-5.4 under 64 bits), as shown below:

Type Byte Range

| short int | 2byte(word) | 0~32767(0~0x7fff)
-32768~-1(0x8000~0xffff) |

| unsigned short int | 2byte(word) | 0~65535(0~0xffff) |

| int | 4byte(dword) | 0~2147483647(0~0x7fffffff)
-2147483648~-1(0x80000000~0xffffffff) |

| unsigned int | 4byte(dword) | 0~4294967295(0~0xffffffff) |

| long int | 8byte(qword) | 正: 0~0x7fffffffffffffff
Negative: 0x8000000000000000~0xffffffffffffffff | | unsigned long int | 8byte(qword) | 0~0xffffffffffffffff |

When the data in the program exceeds the range of its data type, it will cause an overflow, and the overflow of the integer type is called integer overflow.


Next, the principle of integer overflow is briefly explained.

Upper bound overflow

# Fake code
short int a;

a = a + 1;

# corresponding assembly
movzx eax, word ptr [rbp - 0x1c]
add    eax, 1

mov word ptr [rbp - 0x1c], ax

unsigned short int b;

b = b + 1;

# assembly code

add    word ptr [rbp - 0x1a], 1

There are two cases of upper bound overflow, one is 0x7fff + 1 and the other is 0xffff + 1.

Because the underlying instructions of the computer are not distinguishable between signed and unsigned, the data exists in binary form (the compiler level distinguishes between signed and unsigned, resulting in different assembly instructions).

So add 0x7fff, 1 == 0x8000, this upper bound overflow has no effect on unsigned integers, but in signed short integers, 0x7fff means 32767, but 0x8000 It is -32768, which is represented by a mathematical expression in the signed short integer 32767+1 == -32768.

The second case is add 0xffff, 1. In this case, the first operand is considered.

For example, the assembly code for the signed addition above is add eax, 1, because eax=0xffff, so add eax, 1 == 0x10000, but the unsigned assembly code is to add the memory add Word ptr [rbp - 0x1a], 1 == 0x0000.

In the signed addition, although the result of eax is 0x10000, only the value of ax=0x0000 is stored in the memory, and the result is the same as the unsigned.

Look at the result of this overflow from the digital level. In the signed short integer, 0xffff==-1, -1 + 1 == 0, this calculation is no problem from a signed one.

But in an unsigned short, 0xffff == 65535, 65535 + 1 == 0.


The next overflow is the same as the upper bound overflow. In the assembly code, just replace add with sub.

There are two cases as well:

The first is sub 0x0000, 1 == 0xffff, which is ok for signed 0 - 1 == -1, but for unsigned it becomes 0 - 1 == 65535.

The second is sub 0x8000, 1 == 0x7fff, for unsigned it is 32768 - 1 == 32767 is correct, but for signed it becomes -32768 - 1 = 32767 .


In the vulnerability of the integer overflow I have seen, I think it can be summarized in two cases.

Unrestricted range

This situation is well understood. For example, if you have a fixed-size bucket, pour water into it. If you don't limit how much water is poured, the water will overflow from the bucket.

A thing of a fixed size, you do not constrain it, can have unpredictable consequences.

Simply write an example:

$ cat test.c


int main(void)


int len;
int data_len;
int header_len;
    char *buf;

header_len = 0x10;
scanf (&quot;% wool&quot;, &amp; data_len);

len = data_len + header_len
buf = malloc (read);
    read(0, buf, data_len);

    return 0;


$ gcc test.c

$ ./a.out



# gdb a.out

 0x40066d <main+71>    call   malloc@plt <0x400500>

        size: 0xf

Only apply 0x20 size heap, but can input 0xffffffff length data, from integer overflow to heap overflow

Wrong type conversion

Even if the correct constraints on the variables, there is still the possibility of integer overflow vulnerabilities, I think can be summarized as the wrong type conversion, if you continue to subdivide, you can be divided into:

  1. A large range of variables is assigned to a small range of variables
$ cat test2.c
void check(int n)


    if (!n)





int main(void)


    long int a;

    scanf("%ld", &a);

    if (a == 0)




    return 0;


$ gcc test2.c

$ ./a.out



The above code is a large variable (long integer a), which is a variable with a small range (integer variable n) after passing the check function, causing an integer overflow.

The long integer has 8 bytes of memory space, while the integer has only 4 bytes of memory space, so when long -> int, it will cause truncation, and only the low 4 bytes of the long integer will be passed to the integer variable.

In the above example, put long: 0x100000000 -&gt; int: 0x00000000.

But when a smaller variable can completely pass the value to a larger variable without causing data loss.

  1. Only unilateral restrictions

This case is only for signed types

$ cat test3.c

int main(void)


int len, l;
    char buf[11];

scanf (&quot;% d&quot;, &amp; len);
if (len &lt;10) {
        l = read(0, buf, len);

        *(buf+l) = 0;


    } else

        printf("Please len < 10");        


$ gcc test3.c

$ ./a.out



On the surface, we have limited the variable len, but if you think about it, you can see that len is a signed integer, so the length of len can be negative, but in the read function, the type of the third parameter is size_t , the type is equivalent to unsigned long int, which is an unsigned long integer

The two cases in the above example have a commonality, that is, the formal parameters of the function and the types of the actual parameters are different, so I think it can be summarized as the wrong type conversion.

CTF example

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