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Data Extraction

By analyzing the protocols, you can narrow down where data exfiltration occurred.

Next, you need to know how to extract the data, which is an important part of network traffic analysis.


  • Wireshark automatic extraction: file -> export objects -> http

  • Manual data extraction: file->export selected Packet Bytes


As a command-line version of wireshark, tshark is an efficient and fast. It can be used flexibly with other command-line tools (awk, grep) to quickly locate and extract data, thus eliminating the need for complicated scripting.

Common Methods

tshark -r **.pcap –Y ** -T fields –e ** | **** > data

  -Y <display filter>      packet displaY filter in Wireshark display filter syntax
  -T pdml | ps | psml | json | jsonraw | ek | tabs | text | fields | ? format of text output (def: text)
  -e <field>               field to print if -Tfields selected (e.g. tcp.port, _ws.col.Info)

Passing the -Y option allows you to apply display filters (same filter as Wireshark), then -T fields -e will let to extract specific fields (such as usb.capdata).


If you are not sure about the field name, you can right-click on the field in Wireshark of a packet, then Apply as Filter → Selected. You should then see the field name in the filter bar.

CTF Example

Google CTF 2016 - a cute stegosaurus

Download the challenge here

The data was hidden very cleverly. There was an image, but it's a rabbit hole and caused a lot of confusion.

For this challenge, you need to be familiar with the tcp protocol.

There are 6 bits of status code in the TCP message segment:

  • URG: Urgent bit. When URG=1, it means the packet is an urgent packet. It tells the system that there is urgent data in this segment and that it should be sent as soon as possible (equivalent to high-priority data)
  • ACK: Acknowledge bit. When ACK=1, it means the packet is an acknowledgment packet. When ACK=0, the packet is not an acknowledgment packet. The server acknowledges data is received by sending ACK=1 to the sender or client.
  • PSH: Push bit. When PSH=1, it means the other party asks the packets in the buffer to be sent immediately, without waiting for the buffer to be full.
  • RST: Reset bit. When RST=1, it means to aborts a connection due to errors, then the connection must be released and re-established.
  • SYN: Synchronous bit. When SYN=1, it means the packet is making an initiation request to connect. Usually, the packet with the SYN flag means the client is trying to make a connection to the server.
  • FIN: Final bit. When FIN=1, it means to release or close a connection.


Extract the tcp.urg (Urgent pointer in the image above) with tshark, then remove the 0 field and replace the newline with ,. Use Python to convert the numbers into ASCII to get the flag.

tshark -r stego.pcap -T fields -e  tcp.urgent_pointer | egrep -vi "^0$" | tr '\n' ','


Use Python to convert to ASCII:

arr = [67,84,70,123,65,110,100,95,89,111,117,95,84,104,111,117,103,104,116,95,73,116,95,87,97,115,95,73,110,95,84,104,101,95,80,105,99,116,117,114,101,125]
print("".join([chr(x) for x in arr]))

Flag: CTF{And_You_Thought_It_Was_In_The_Picture}
