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discrete logarithm

Basic definition

When we understand discrete logarithms, let's first look at a few basic definitions.

Definition 1

In group G, g is the generator of G, that is, each element in group G can be written as y=g^k, which we call k is the logarithm of y in group G.

Definition 2

Let m\geq 1, (a,m)=1, let a^d \equiv 1\pmod m be the smallest positive integer d called a to the exponent or order of modulo m, we will generally It is recorded as \delta_m(a).

Definition 3

When \delta_m(a)=\varphi(m), a is called the original root of modulo m, which is called the original root of m.

Some properties

Nature 1

The smallest positive integer d that makes a^d \equiv 1\pmod m true must have d\mid\varphi(m).

Property 2

The necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of the original root of the modulo m is m=2,4,p^{\alpha}, 2p^{\alpha} , where p is an odd prime, \alpha is positive Integer.

Discrete logarithm problem

Knowing g,p,y, for the equation y\equiv g^x \pmod p , solving x is a difficult problem. But when p has certain characteristics, it can be solved. For example, the order of this group is a smooth number.

It is this problem that constitutes a large part of modern cryptography, including Diffie–Hellman key exchange, ElGamal algorithm, ECC, etc.

Discrete logarithm solution


Given y\equiv g^x \pmod p, we can violently enumerate x to get the true value of x.

Baby-step giant-step

This method is often referred to as a small step, which uses the idea of an intermediate encounter attack.

We can make x=im+j, where m= \lceil \sqrt n\rceil , then the integers i and j are all in the range 0 to m.


y = g ^ x = g ^ {im + j}

That is


Then we can enumerate all the j and calculate it and store it in a set S, then we enumerate i again, calculate y(g^{-m})^i, once we find the calculation The result in the set S shows that we got a collision and got i and j.

This is obviously a way of compromise between time and space. We convert a O(n) time complexity, O(1) space complexity algorithm to a O(\sqrt n) The algorithm of time complexity and space complexity of O(\sqrt n).

among them

  • Each increment of j means "baby-step", multiplied by g at a time.
  • Each increment of i means "giant-step", multiplied by g^{-m} at a time.
def bsgs(g, y, p):

    m = int(ceil(sqrt(p - 1)))

    S = {pow(g, j, p): j for j in range(m)}

    gs = pow(g, p - 1 - m, p)

    for i in range(m):

        if y in S:

            return i * m + S[y]

y = y * gs% p
    return None

Pollard's ρ algorithm

We can solve the above problem with the time complexity of O(\sqrt n) and the space complexity of O(1). Please use Google for your specific principles.

Pollard’s kangaroo algorithm

If we know that the range of x is a \leq x \leq b, then we can solve the above problem with the time complexity of O(\sqrt{ba}). Please use Google for your specific principles.

Pohlig-Hellman algorithm

Let's assume that the above mentioned group has a rank of n for the element g, and n is a smooth number: n=\prod\limits_{i=1}^r p_i^{e_i}.

  1. For each i \in \{1,\ldots,r\} :
  2. Calculate g_i \equiv g^{n/p_i^{e_i}} \pmod m. According to the Lagrange theorem, the order of g_i in the group is p_i^{e_i}.
  3. Calculate y_i \equiv y^{n/p_i^{e_i}} \equiv g^{xn/p_i^{e_i}} \equiv g_i^{x} \equiv g_i^{x \bmod p_i^{e_i }} \equiv g_i^{x_i} \pmod m, here we know y_i,m,g_i, and x_i ranges from [0,p_i^{e_i}), by n is a Smooth numbers, the range is small, so we can quickly find x_i using methods such as Pollard's kangaroo algorithm.
  4. According to the above derivation, we can get for i \in \{1,\ldots,r\} , x \equiv x_i \pmod{p_i^{e_i}} , which can be solved by Chinese remainder theorem .

The above process can be briefly described in the following figure:

Pohlig Hellman Algorithm

The complexity is O\left(\sum\limits _i e_i\left(\log n+\sqrt{p_i}\right)\right), and it can be seen that the complexity is still very low.

But when n is prime, m=2n+1, then the complexity and O(\sqrt m) are almost indistinguishable.

2018 国赛crackme java

code show as below

import java.math.BigInteger;

import java.util.Random;

public class Test1 {

    static BigInteger two =new BigInteger("2");

    static BigInteger p = new BigInteger("11360738295177002998495384057893129964980131806509572927886675899422214174408333932150813939357279703161556767193621832795605708456628733877084015367497711");

    static BigInteger h= new BigInteger("7854998893567208831270627233155763658947405610938106998083991389307363085837028364154809577816577515021560985491707606165788274218742692875308216243966916");


     Alice write the below algorithm for encryption.

     The public key {p, h} is broadcasted to everyone.

    @param val: The plaintext to encrypt.

        We suppose val only contains lowercase letter {a-z} and numeric charactors, and is at most 256 charactors in length.


    public static String pkEnc(String val){

        BigInteger[] ret = new BigInteger[2];

        BigInteger bVal=new BigInteger(val.toLowerCase(),36);

        BigInteger r =new BigInteger(new Random().nextInt()+"");

ret [0] = two.modPow (r, p);entitled [1] = h.modPow (r, p) .multiply (bVal);
return right [0] .toString (36) + "==" + ret [1] .toString (36);

    /* Alice write the below algorithm for decryption. x is her private key, which she will never let you know.

    public static String skDec(String val,BigInteger x){


            return null;


        else {

            BigInteger val0=new BigInteger(val.split("==")[0],36);

            BigInteger val1=new BigInteger(val.split("==")[1],36);

            BigInteger s=val0.modPow(x,p).modInverse(p);

            return val1.multiply(s).mod(p).toString(36);




    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        System.out.println("You intercepted the following message, which is sent from Bob to Alice:");

        BigInteger bVal1=new BigInteger("a9hgrei38ez78hl2kkd6nvookaodyidgti7d9mbvctx3jjniezhlxs1b1xz9m0dzcexwiyhi4nhvazhhj8dwb91e7lbbxa4ieco",36);

    BigInteger bVal2=new BigInteger("2q17m8ajs7509yl9iy39g4znf08bw3b33vibipaa1xt5b8lcmgmk6i5w4830yd3fdqfbqaf82386z5odwssyo3t93y91xqd5jb0zbgvkb00fcmo53sa8eblgw6vahl80ykxeylpr4bpv32p7flvhdtwl4cxqzc",36);

    BigInteger r =new BigInteger(new Random().nextInt()+"");





        System.out.println("Please figure out the plaintext!");



Basic function is calculation

$ R_0 = 2 ^ r way $ p

$ R_1 = b * h ^ r way $ p

It can be found that the range of r is [0,2^{32}), so we can use the BSGS algorithm as follows

from sage.all import *

c1 = int(




c2 = int(




print c1, c2

p = 11360738295177002998495384057893129964980131806509572927886675899422214174408333932150813939357279703161556767193621832795605708456628733877084015367497711

h = 7854998893567208831270627233155763658947405610938106998083991389307363085837028364154809577816577515021560985491707606165788274218742692875308216243966916

# generate the group

const2 = 2
const2 = Mod (const2, p)
c1 = Mod(c1, p)

c2 = Mod(c2, p)

h = Mod(h, p)

print '2', bsgs(const2, c1, bounds=(1, 2 ^ 32))

r = 152351913

num = long(c2 / (h**r))

Surely Print

