Under normal circumstances, Linux dynamic loader ld-linux
(see man page ld-linux (8)) will search and load the shared link library file required by the program, and LD_PRELOAD
is an optional environment variable, including One or more paths to the shared link library file. The loader will load the shared link library specified by LD_PRELOAD
before the C language runtime, which is called preloading (preload
Preloading means that its functions will be called before the function of the same name in other library files, so that the library functions can be blocked or replaced. The path of multiple shared link library files can be colon
or space.
To distinguish. Obviously not affected by LD_PRELOAD
, only those statically linked programs.
Of course, to avoid malicious attacks, the loader will not be preloaded with LD_PRELOAD
in the case of ruid != euid
Read more: https://blog.fpmurphy.com/2012/09/all-about-ld_preload.html#ixzz569cbyze4
Let's take the 2014 Hack In The Box Amsterdam: Bin 100
as an example. Download the topic: hitb_bin100.elf
This is a 64-bit ELF file. The results are shown below:
The program seems to be printing some sentences all the time. And there are no signs of stopping. Let's open it with IDA. First press Shift+F12
to find the string.
Obviously, apart from the sentences that have been printed, we found some interesting strings:
.rodata:0000000000400A53 00000006 C KEY:
.rodata:0000000000400A5F 0000001F C OK YOU WIN. HERE'S YOUR FLAG:
We came to the key code according to the cross-reference of OK YOU WIN. HERE'S YOUR FLAG:
(I deleted some unnecessary code).
int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
qmemcpy(v23, &unk_400A7E, sizeof(v23));
v3 = v22;
for ( i = 9LL; i; --i )
* (_DWORD *) v3 = 0;
v3 + = 4;
v20 = 0x31337;
v21 = time(0LL);
v11 = 0LL;
v5 = 0LL;
v6 = time(0LL);
Srand(233811181 - v21 + v6); // Initialize the random number seed
v7 = v22[v11];
V22[v11] = rand() ^ v7; // pseudo-random number
v8 = (&funny)[8 * v11];
while ( v5 < strlen(v8) )
v9 = v8 [v5];
if ( (_BYTE)v9 == 105 )
v24[(signed int)v5] = 105;
if ( (_DWORD)v5 && v8[v5 - 1] != 32 )
V10 = __ctype_toupper_loc(); // uppercase
V10 = __ctype_tolower_loc(); // lowercase
v24[(signed int)v5] = (*v10)[v9];
++ v5;
v24[(signed int)v5] = 0;
__printf_chk(1LL, "Uranium %80s uranium 玕n", v24); // garbled is actually a note
while ( v11 != 36 );
while ( v20 );
V13 = v22; // key is stored in the v22 array
__printf_chk(1LL, "KEY: ", v12);
v14 = (unsigned __int8)*v13++;
__printf_chk(1LL, "%02x ", v14); // output key
while ( v13 != v23 );
v15 = 0LL;
__printf_chk(1LL, "OK YOU WIN. HERE'S YOUR FLAG: ", v16);
V17 = v23[v15] ^ v22[v15]; // XOR with the value of key
++ v15;
Putchar(v17); // output flag
while ( v15 != 36 );
Putchar(10); // output line break
result = 0;
return result;
The whole code flow is mainly to continuously output the sentences in funny
, output the key
after satisfying the loop condition, and XOR the flag
to get the value of flag
But we can see that the number of times the whole loop is relatively small. So we can use some methods to make the loop faster. For example, I manually patch it, not let the program output the string (actually printf
The time consumption is quite a lot.) The second is to use LD_PRELOAD
to make the program's sleep()
invalid. It can obviously save time.
The process of manual patching is relatively simple. We can find the code location and then modify it with some hex editors. Of course, we can also use IDA
to do patch work.
.text:00000000004007B7 call ___printf_chk
.text:00000000004007BC xor eax, eax
Point the cursor on `call ___printf_chk`, then select the menu `Edit->Patch Program->Assemble` (of course you can use other patch methods. The effect is the same). Then modify it to `nop(0x90)`, as follows Figure

Modify the assembly code between `4007B7` and `4007BD` to `nop`. Then select the menu `Edit->Patch Program->Apply patches to input file`. Of course, it is best to make a backup (ie check) `Create a backup`), then click OK (I renamed to `patched.elf`, download link: [patched.elf](https://github.com/ctf-wiki/ctf-challenges/blob/ Master/reverse/linux-re/2014_hitb/patched.elf)).

Now go to the `LD_PRELOAD` section. Here we simply write the c code, download link: [time.c](https://github.com/ctf-wiki/ctf-challenges/blob/master/reverse/linux-re/ 2014_hitb/time.c)
``` c
static int t = 0x31337;
void sleep(int sec) {
t += sec;
int time() {
return t;
Then use the command gcc --shared time.c -o time.so
to generate the dynamic link file. Of course, the download link is also given: time.so
Then open the linux terminal and run the command: LD_PRELOAD=./time.so ./patched.elf
After a while, you can hear the sound of the CPU running wildly, and then the flag will come out soon.
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