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About IsDebuggerPresent

When the debugger exists, the IsDebuggerPresent() function of kernel32 returns a non-zero value.

BOOL WINAPI IsDebuggerPresent(void);

Detection code

Its detection method is very simple, such as using the following code (32 or 64 bits are the same code) to detect in a 32-bit/64-bit environment:

`asm call IsDebuggerPresent

test al, al jne being_debugged

In fact, this function simply returns the value of the `BeingDebugged` flag. The method of checking the `BeingDebugged` flag can also be implemented by examining the 32-bit environment with the following 32-bit code:

`` `asm
mov eax, fs:[30h] ;Process Environment Block

cmp b [eax+2], 0 ;check BeingDebugged

jne being_debugged

Or use 64-bit code to detect 64-bit environments

`asm push 60h

pop rsi gs:lodsq ;Process Environment Block

cmp b [rax+2], 0 ;check BeingDebugged

jne being_debugged

Or use a 32-bit code to detect a 64-bit environment

`` `asm
mov eax, fs:[30h] ;Process Environment Block

;64-bit Process Environment Block

;follows 32-bit Process Environment Block

cmp b [eax+1002h], 0 ;check BeingDebugged

jne being_debugged

How to bypass

To overcome these tests, just set the BeingDebugged flag to 0 (or change the return value).
