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NTSTATUS WINAPI NtQueryInformationProcess(

  _In_      HANDLE           ProcessHandle,

  _In_      PROCESSINFOCLASS ProcessInformationClass,

  _Out_     PVOID            ProcessInformation,

  _In_      ULONG            ProcessInformationLength,

_Out_opt_ MEMBER OF ReturnLength


The undocumented ntdll NtQueryInformationProcess() function accepts an information class parameter for query. ProcessDebugPort(7) is one of the information classes. kernel32``CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent() function is called internally. NtQueryInformationProcess()is used to detect debugging, whileNtQueryInformationProcessinternally queries theDebugPortfield of theEPROCESSstructure. When the process is being debugged, the return value is0xffffffff`.

It can be detected in a 32-bit environment with the following 32-bit code:

`asm push eax

mov eax, esp

push 0

push 4 ;ProcessInformationLength

push eax

push 7 ;ProcessDebugPort

push -1 ;GetCurrentProcess()

call NtQueryInformationProcess

pop eax

inc eax

je being_debugged

Detect in a 64-bit environment with the following 64-bit code:

`` `asm
xor ebp, ebp

enter 20h, 0

push 8 ;ProcessInformationLength

pop r9

push rbp

pop r8

push 7 ;ProcessDebugPort

pop rdx

or rcx, -1 ;GetCurrentProcess()

call NtQueryInformationProcess


test ebp, ebp

jne being_debugged

Since the information is passed from the kernel, there is no easy way to prevent the function from detecting the debugger in user mode.


Windows XP introduces the debug object. When a debug session starts, it creates a debug object and a handle associated with it. We can use the ProcessDebugObjectHandle (0x1e) class to query the value of this handle.

It can be detected in a 32-bit environment with the following 32-bit code:

`asm push 0

mov eax, esp

push 0

push 4 ;ProcessInformationLength

push eax

push 1eh ;ProcessDebugObjectHandle

push -1 ;GetCurrentProcess()

call NtQueryInformationProcess

pop eax

test eax, eax

jne being_debugged

Detect in a 64-bit environment with the following 64-bit code:

`` `asm
xor ebp, ebp

enter 20h, 0

push 8 ;ProcessInformationLength

pop r9

push rbp

pop r8

push 1eh ;ProcessDebugObjectHandle

pop rdx

or rcx, -1 ;GetCurrentProcess()

call NtQueryInformationProcess


test ebp, ebp

jne being_debugged


The ProcessDebugFlags (0x1f) class returns the opposite of NoDebugInherit of the EPROCESS structure. This means that when the debugger exists, the return value is 0, and when it does not exist, it returns 1.

It can be detected in a 32-bit environment with the following 32-bit code:

`asm push eax

mov eax, esp

push 0

push 4 ;ProcessInformationLength

push eax

push 1fh ;ProcessDebugFlags

push -1 ;GetCurrentProcess()

call NtQueryInformationProcess

pop eax

test eax, eax

je being_debugged

Detect in a 64-bit environment with the following 64-bit code:

`` `asm
xor ebp, ebp

enter 20h, 0

push 4 ;ProcessInformationLength

pop r9

push rbp

pop r8

push 1fh ;ProcessDebugFlags

pop rdx

or rcx, -1 ;GetCurrentProcess()

call NtQueryInformationProcess


test ebp, ebp

je being_debugged
